Roller method
When you think of exterior wall painting, you may imagine just applying one coat of paint, but in fact, "multiple coats" are important to make your house last longer. What method should you use and how many coats should you apply? This will vary depending on the contractor, so it's important to carefully read and compare the estimates.
At Nuri-kaeru, "three coats of roller paint" is the standard specification!
Based on our many years of experience, we have determined that this method is the best way to create a strong paint film, and we practice it.
By having skilled craftsmen apply multiple coats of paint by hand, we can create strong, long-lasting exterior walls.

Ingredients of the durable sealant "Orton Exceed"
Even if you use the same paint for exterior wall painting, the durability will be completely different depending on how you apply it

Spraying method
This is a painting method in which the paint is sprayed onto the wall using an instrument called a spray gun.
merit : It is possible to paint a wide area in a short time, which makes the work fast and inexpensive.
Demerit : The paint needs to be thinned in order to be applied through the fixture.
Roller method
This is a construction method in which craftsmen finish the surface by hand using various types of rollers.
merit : By hand painting by our craftsmen, a thick coating is formed that is closer to the original solution. This makes it more durable. It can also be used on uneven exterior walls.
Demerit : Because it is hand-painted, construction takes longer than with the spray-on method.

To prevent unpainted areas and improve durability
The undercoat is essential to make the top coat last longer and give a beautiful finish. The top coat has functions such as weather resistance, low pollution, mildew resistance, and algae resistance, but it lacks adhesion, so a primer that acts like an adhesive is necessary. The same paint is used for the middle coat and top coat. There are limitations to painting by hand, and one top coat will result in fading and thin areas. By applying a second top coat, it is possible to complete the exterior wall and roof paint. It can be said that the "three coats" are a necessary process in terms of both durability and aesthetics.
Three-coat process
In order to ensure sufficient paint film thickness and maintain a beautiful appearance and performance over the long term, the standard is to apply three coats: primer, intermediate coat, and top coat.